The Firm

We work for the business sector, the (semi) government and (institutional) investors and our clientele includes reputable parties in real estate. Based on our broad knowledge of the construction and real estate world, we advise and litigate for our clients. A strong combination! Our core values ​​are focus and teamwork with the aim of achieving the best and most durable result for our clients.

Weebers Vastgoed Advocaten N.V. celebrates its 12.5 year anniversary

To commemorate this milestone we have visited Barcelona with the entire team in March 2018. We visited inspiring real estate projects and iconic buildings, while enjoying snacks and drinks under the Spanish sun.

It was a very memorable trip during which we could also reflect on the growth that our office has achieved in recent years and determine our joint ambitions for the future.




Weebers Vastgoed Advocaten N.V. is a law firm specialised in real estate-related matters.

If you develop, construct, use and/or rent real estate, then you know what a lawyer can mean for you for negotiations, drafting contracts, realisation et cetera.

We are active in the business community, (semi-) government and (institutional) investors to realize optimisation regarding both any necessary planning decision-making as well as environmental law aspects. We count renowned industry members among our clientele. We advise and litigate, a strong combination. At additional conditions, we can also provide in-house-lawyer support for your internal organisation.

You can find more information about our firm at our website. The site also contains news of current affairs and facts regarding civil and public construction law. If you have any questions or comments regarding the website, please send it to:


Weebers Vastgoed Advocaten N.V. applies the principle that cases are treated by a team, according to the four-eyes-principle. This allows the competences of our people to be optimally combined for and committed to your case. Our specialised practice also requires all our lawyers to have gained the necessary experience and have specialised. Where necessary and possible, our lawyers are supported by legal employees or paralegals.

We are a firm that offers opportunities to our employees without confronting our clients with trainees who are ‘learning the ropes’.

We learn and experience in our own time.

We are looking for inspiring people with ambition. If our firm appeals to you, please contact us at:


Our mission is:
Teamwork aimed at achieving the best result for our clients and if possible for society as an economy and as constitutional state.

Our vision is:
The profession of lawyer requires a feeling for relations, life experience, creativity, commercialism and entrepreneurship. Just like working in the real estate industry. For sizeable cases, we work in teams that combines all the necessary competences.

Specialisation contributes to the quality of work and the added value of us as your consultant. We also possess a network of consultants for the adjacent (legal) areas.

Weebers Vastgoed Advocaten N.V. is a partnership with a different structure from most law firms. This structure is partially inspired by structures for long-term collaboration in the real estate industry. Our guiding principle is safeguarding quality with an incentive for our partners to invest in our client relations.

Our clients appreciate that we bear entrepreneurial risk for our approach to cases.

 mission and vision



Our high degree of specialisation enables us to quickly and decisively achieve the desired result in a thorough manner. This allows us to work efficiently. In addition, thanks to our work method, we are capable of responsibly employing lawyers at a lower hourly fee. Learning and gaining experience is done in our own time.

Our partner fee amounts to € 275 per hour. This fee excludes disbursements and VAT. As other consultants in the real estate industry, we do not apply a surcharge for general office costs. We also do not charge internal meeting and the first hour of travel time.

We operate nationally and do not charge travel costs and/or mileage allowance for meetings at your office or on location. For sessions or meetings elsewhere, we do not charge the first hour of travel and we charge a mileage allowance of €0,50/km.

Due to our work method, through which partners and employees work together closely, our average hourly fee amounts to € 230- € 250. Depending on the nature and scope of the case, custom pricing can be agreed upon.

Clarity regarding pricing is imperative. That is why we always agree on clear conditions beforehand that are always aligned with the needs of our clients. We offer custom service! We offer the following options:

  • cap fee:  declaration at an hourly rate, for which a limit is set for the time to be spent;
  • fixed fee: one fixed price for defined assignments;
  • fee estimates: estimate of the price within a predetermined range;
  • day fee: fixed price per day or part of the day;
  • success fee: basic compensation increased by a result compensation.

We are open to good ideas regarding custom pricing and are happy to discuss this with our clients.       

 Algemene Voorwaarden.pdf  Terms and Conditions

Bekijk documentKantoorklachtenregeling.pdf

Starting January 1, 2015, Mrs. mr. C.J.M. Weebers-Vrenken MRE exercises the function of complaints officer. In case of a complaint directed at the complaints officer, Mrs. mr. A.J.L. Claassen acts as interim complaints officer.



Twice a year, in the spring and in the fall, we organize a Speed ​​Class session for our clients. During the Speed ​​Class you will be informed about two current legal topics in a relatively short time (maximum one hour). Afterwards, a drink will take place where you can get to know us further and you can network with your peers.